On Tuesday we went to the fair with Olivia, Rin-Rin, Nonna, Nonae, and my mom and dad. The weather was great! It wasn't even crowded! It was a great day. Me and mommy shared some roasted corn. It was good! Then we went to go ride some rides. Me and Macey went on this real big ride where you had to lay on your stomach and hold on to to little bars. Then when everybody got settled it started to go up really high. Me and Macey held on tight! it was a really fun ride! But at first I got really nervous. Then when the ride was over Me, Nonna, Macey, and Olivia rode another fun ride called Wind Surfurs. It was fun. Then me, Nonna, Macey, and Olivia went into a fun house. I love fun houses! Then me, Nonae, Olivia, and Macey rode these really big slides. Olivia loved it! After that my whole family rode a ride called the Texas skyway gondola. It went high so we could see the whole fair and the lights. When the ride was over we ate dinner. Me, Macey, mommy, and daddy had nachos. They were good! Then we went to a place were they serve fried pickles and daddy bought some. After that we went into the buildings. They had some cool cars. When we were done looking at the buildings we started to head to our cars. Sooner or later we got to our cars. Macey was asleep when we got on the highway.When we got home I went straight asleep. I had a busy day because I also had a field trip to see Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs. It was a really good movie!